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About the NEBLSA Votes Campaign

Launched in February 2024, the NEBLSA Votes campaign is dedicated to increasing the number of registered voters across our NEBLSA communities, educating voters, and ensuring a strong turnout for the 2024 Election. Our initiative also focuses on building a comprehensive policy agenda by addressing the issues that impact our communities. Together, we can make a significant difference.


As part of our goals for this year, chapters can participate in our #NEBLSAVOTES campaign and receive materials valued at over $300 to register students on your campus and in your communities. Chapters that effectively track and measure the number of members who verify their voting status, sign a voter pledge, and register to vote will be eligible for a bonus. The top-performing chapter in each region will receive an additional $250 for their chapter leaders' discretionary fund. For more information, contact our Director of Social Action, D'Shandi Coombs at or our Attorney General, Dr. Faye Golden at

Downloadable Resources Coming Soon
Sign Up For NEBLSA Votes Coming Soon
NEBLSA Votes Training.png

Our Current Partners

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Earn $50 – become an Election Protector through our NEBLSA x Common Cause NY Partnership

Our Free Civic Engagement Tools

Powered by NAACP, Vote.Org, Vote Early & National Voter Registration Day – to access hover and scroll.

Mailing Address:


712 H St NE, Suite 1519
Washington, DC 20002
United States

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